Orthodox Washington
Washington Orthodox Clergy Association

We, the Washington Orthodox Clergy Association, WOCA, is an association of Orthodox Clergy from among canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions within Washington State.

Please see our membership below, and links to websites of the various Orthodox Jurisdictions which comprise WOCA.


September 2017

In early September amidst a long summer and upcoming fall season, WOCA clergy gather for prayer and fellowship at the All Merciful Saviour Monastery located on Vashon Island, Washington.

Lenten Vespers 2016

WOCA Clergy and servers are photographed at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Seattle, Washington during one of its monthly meetings that are held at different Orthodox Churches in Washington State.

May 2015 Meeting

WOCA Members are photographed at their May 2015 meeting that was held at the St Joachim and Anna Romanian Orthodox Church, located in the Magolia neighborhood of Seattle,  Monthly meetings are held at a different Orthodox Church. 

June 2010 meeting

WOCA Clergy are photographed during their June 2010 meeting at the All-Merciful Saviour Monastery. June's meeting was hosted by Abbot Tryphon at this beautiful and peaceful setting on Vashon Island. Located in the southern Puget Sound region, Vashon Island is accessible only via ferry service from Seattle or Manchester at its northern point, or from Tacoma's Point Defiance Park at its southern point. All-Merciful Saviour Monastery also hosts an annual retreat in August. 

(5 images)

Member Directory


Membership by Jurisdiction

Five Canonical Orthodox jurisdictions are represented in the Washington Orthodox Clergy Association (WOCA). They are:

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOARCH)
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russian (ROCOR) [Moscow Patriarchate]
Serbian Orthodox Church of USA and Canada

Please see their respective links below

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR)

ROCOR Website

ROCOR Western-American Diocese

Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South America

Serbian Orthodox Church of USA and Canada

Western American Diocese